Etiqueta del Plugin: blogroll
RSS Feed Checker
(1 evaluación total)The RSS Feed checker looks through your blogroll for links with rss feeds and then stores the name and url of the latest article.
Utech List Post Titles
(0 evaluación total)List your latest posts by category using simple shortcode.
Blogroll In Posts
(0 evaluación total)Easily add your blogroll or links list into your posts and pages!
Ultimate Blogroll
(2 evaluación total)Enable your visitors to submit a linktrade and keep track of the in and outlinks. It is the ultimate link manager available.
Blogroll Links Favicons
(0 evaluación total)Automatically adds favicons to blogroll/bookmark links.
Export OPML
(0 evaluación total)Exports your public blogroll in OPML format to a file on blog root.
Live Blogroll
(0 evaluación total)Shows a number of 'recent posts' for each link in your Blogroll in a popup box, using Ajax.
Powie's pLinks PagePeeker
(0 evaluación total)Displays a linklist at a page with the [plinks] shortcode with PagePeeker preview images. Provides a [pagepeeker] shortcode
WP Latest Post Blogroll
(0 evaluación total)The WP Latest Post Blogroll plugin creates a link with the most recent post title for each blog listed in the blogroll.
Auto-Blogroll Checker
(0 evaluación total)Automatically checks all blogroll links if your link is still live.
(0 evaluación total)Displays user-definable content from other blogs (via wordpress Links [RSS]) as a widget in your blog in a highly customisable format.
Easy Blogroll Image
(0 evaluación total)Easily add media library images to your blogroll items (links).
Google Reader Blogroll Widget
(0 evaluación total)Simple widget(s) to list your Google Reader subscriptions as blogroll.
(0 evaluación total)A flexible replacement for the standard links widget, for wordpress 2.0.x only.
WPLM (WordPress Link Management)
(1 evaluación total)WPLM allows you to add the link and mumble in your WordPress blog with add and expire date, it will delete automatically the link after link expire da …
Web Collage
(0 evaluación total)WebCollage is a cute plugin for Wordpress sites. It creates a collage of snapshots of the websites that you have in your links database or blogroll.
Sync OPML to Blogroll
(1 evaluación total)Keep your WordPress blogroll in sync with your feed reader.