Etiqueta del Plugin: tweet
(0 evaluación total)EmbedTweet makes embedding tweets in your posts a easy. Just link to a tweet and it will automatically turn into an embedded, fully interactive tweet.
- URL Shortener
(0 evaluación total) URL shortener let you create your own short url, just like http://yoursite/-abc, instead of using other short url services
- Writer Marketplace
(0 evaluación total)Get your blog posts written by our pre-screened network of top-notch writers. Scripted makes it easy to order consistently great blog posts that you o …
Really Simple Tweet
(0 evaluación total)Adds simple function to send a tweet. Accepts Twitter username and password as parameters, or gets them from Twitter Tools if available.
(0 evaluación total)Gives commenters the option of Tweeting their comment with a link to your post.
Random Tweet Widget
(1 evaluación total)Shows a random tweet from a Twitter account in a sidebar widget.
Twitter Tag
(0 evaluación total)Link to a users Twitter page when you include a Twitter @username in a post and tweet the user that they have been tagged.
Twitter Follow Friday
(0 evaluación total)A Worpress plugin for Twitter recommendations aka FollowFriday, select them in the admin panel and display them in a widget, a post or a page !
WP-TweetButton Plus
(0 evaluación total)This plugin allow insert Tweet Button on your blog or site.
YouTube Share Overlay Buttons
(3 evaluación total)Adding Share Buttons as Overlay on YouTube Videos
Feed Tweetifier
(0 evaluación total)Twitter formatted RSS – Get a Twitter formatted RSS feed that will add extra info for nicely formatted twitter updates.
TP – TweetPress
(0 evaluación total)All the tools you need to integrate your wordpress and twitter.
Twitter Display and Cache
(1 evaluación total)This plugin is used to fetch recent tweets and display on sidebar and caches tweets as well. Its a very basic plugin. Good for new programmers to unde …
Twitter Bird
(0 evaluación total)Twitter Bird will display how many people follows you on your Twitter account.
Tweetbacks Helper
(0 evaluación total)Helper Plugin for Tweetbacks Plugin to help it detect more tweets
(0 evaluación total)Display a Twitter account latest tweets via a Gutenberg editor block.
(0 evaluación total)A Twitter widget that display messages with associated usernames and avatars from a Twitter search results.
Twitter Tools – Google Analytics Tagger
(0 evaluación total)Tag all your URL's posted to twitter with Google Analytics tags using Twitter Tools