Barbershop Nail Salon
Tema comercial
Este tema es gratuito pero ofrece actualizaciones o soporte comercial de pago.
Este es un subtema de Beauty Salon Spa.
Barbershop nail salon is made for beauty salons, beauty shops, beauty spas, cosmetics, hairdressers, health, lifestyle, massage, salon, spa booking, wellness, manicure, pedicure, beauty services, styling, nail art, personal care, barber shop, nail treatments, men’s grooming, spa services and cosmetic stores. As part of the theme, you will find an exquisite selection of nail spas, nail bars, makeup bars, and nail polish templates, as well as pages and features ideal for nail care, eyebrow tattooing, eyelash, brow bar, and cosmetic store websites. Your online salon website needs everything. A number of premium plugins are included with the theme. It is equipped with nice portfolio styles powered by the Essential Grid plugin, and it is compatible with social media feeds for visual customization and an attractive Revolution Slider as a home slider. The theme is fully compatible with the WooCommerce plugin, allowing you to convert your website into an online store for skincare products, hair and body cosmetics, fragrances, and health and beauty items. Demo:
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Instalaciones activas: 200+
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