Etiqueta del Plugin: checker
Plugin Compatibility Checker
(4 evaluación total)A Simple plugin to check the Plugin Compatibility with the Latest Stable version of WordPress
Plugin Inspector
(10 evaluación total)Checks plugins for deprecated WordPress functions, known security vulnerabilities and some unsafe PHP functions
Broken Link Notifier
(5 evaluación total)Get notifications when a visitor loads a page with broken links
Vulnerable Plugin Checker
(8 evaluación total)Automatically checks installed plugins for known vulnerabilities and provides optional email alerts.
Force Update Check for Plugins and Themes
(4 evaluación total)The Force Update Check For Plugins And Themes will run each time this page is loaded. Update statuses may still be cached by third-party updaters.
Similar post-title checker
(9 evaluación total)This plugin provides similar posts title to prevent duplicate post title and publish unique post title when adding new post in admin area.
(7 evaluación total)A supplement to the Theme-Check plugin that adds checks for ThemeForest's WordPress Theme Submission Requirements.
RSS Feed Checker
(0 evaluación total)This widget will submit your wordpress RSS feed to, and check the results to verify your feed is valid.
Theme Grep by BoldGrid
(0 evaluación total)Theme Grep helps to review WordPress themes by automating many searches (greps) used to "snoop around" the theme's code.
Minecraft Server Status Checker
(0 evaluación total)This plugin will detect and show the Minecraft Server Status. Works with any kinds of server.
INN 主题环境检测器 (INN Theme Detector)
(0 evaluación total)> 检测您的主机对 INN 主题的兼容度 > Detect the host environment compatibility for INN theme
Color Changer
(1 evaluación total)Color Changer is there to help you out when you get bored of seeing the black & white colors of the editor. Click in the Color Changer Button and …
WP Browser Compatibility Checker
(0 evaluación total)Provides WordPress with a minimum browser compatibility setting. If the end user is not using a compatible browser they are warned.
CampusPress Code Check
(0 evaluación total)A simple and easy way to test your theme or plugin for all the latest WordPress standards and practices. A great theme development tool!
GNA Crawling Errors
(0 evaluación total)Easy to check crawling errors of website and export the information to CSV type file
Geo Tools
(0 evaluación total)Geo tools is a plugin that focuses on GeoCaching utilities such as statistics display, geochecker…