Media Sync


This plugin allows you to examine all files within the uploads directory to determine which ones are present in the Media Library and which ones are just sitting there unused. You can then choose the files you want to import into the database, thereby including them in the Media Library.

Moreover, you can utilize FTP to upload files directly to the uploads directory and subsequently add these files to the Media Library avoiding any file size limitations.

Avisos legales

  1. “1 file first”
    Please try to import only one file first – to see if it works as you expected.

  2. “All at once”
    This plugin is designed for scanning, selecting, and importing all files at once. However, based on your server’s configuration, memory, and timeout challenges may arise with extensive file quantities. To mitigate this, a newly revamped pro version employs incremental directory scans to effectively tackle these issues.

  3. “Your setup is unique”
    Please be aware that every WordPress installation is unique, and there may be instances where this plugin does not function as expected. Should this occur, we recommend enabling the debugging feature in the plugin’s settings to identify the issue. After investigating, kindly provide a detailed description of your findings in the Support section (or here if you’re using pro version). The more comprehensive the details, the higher the likelihood of resolving the problem effectively.

Archivos ignorados

  • varios archivos ocultos (.DS_Store, .htaccess),
  • Miniaturas generadas por WP (archivos que terminan, por ejemplo, en -100×100.jpg),
  • Imágenes escaladas generadas por WP (archivos que terminan en -scaled),
  • versiones optimizadas .webp de las imágenes originales (.jpg.webp),
  • miniaturas retina (-100×100@2x.jpg).

These can be modified and enhanced using the new advanced filters available in the pro version.

Media Sync Pro features

  • Revised incremental scan: Allows scanning and importing unlimited number of files.
  • Quick single directory rescan: Easily rescan one directory to find new files or apply a different filter without reloading the whole page.
  • Advanced filters: Find any file by customizing all default filters, search for a specific file type (images, videos, etc.), skip by tailor-made rules, or enter any custom pattern.
  • Schedule automatic imports: Select a desired interval and let the plugin automatically import any new files it finds.
  • Import logs: View the history of manual or scheduled imports.
  • Limit plugin access: Limit plugin access to a specific role.

Get pro version here.

Capturas de pantalla

  • Página inicial
  • Ejemplo de selección de archivos a importar
  • Importación a la biblioteca multimedia en marcha
  • Importación completada


  1. Sube el directorio media-sync al directorio /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activa el plugin en el menú ‘Plugins’ de WordPress


Se atasca al importar / gira sin parar

Please try to increase max_execution_time (and/or memory_limit) in php.ini on server (as described here).

Archivos que no aparecen en la biblioteca de medios

Por favor, asegúrate de que la opción “Prueba en seco” NO esté marcada. Este es un mecanismo de seguridad para asegurarte de que sabes lo que estás haciendo, así que ten cuidado, pruébalo primero con solo un archivo.

No funciona

Por favor, primero intenta activar la depuración en Ajustes -> Sincronización de medios y comprueba la pestaña de red en las herramientas de desarrollo de Chrome para ver qué está sucediendo en segundo plano. Luego, informa sobre los errores reales, ya que es difícil ayudar sin conocer el error que está causando el problema.


13 de Enero de 2025
I thought I would complement this plug-in for helping me track down the mess left by the wordpress auto-scaler. The plugin listed orphan images so I could deal with them on the side. Most where extra copies from that darn Wordpress auto-scaling and file renames gone wonky. Enable Media Replace and Phoenix File Rename were essential tools for implementing clean-up sympathetic to the Wordpress database. The only thing I didn’t like about Media Sync is that I couldn’t find a way to filter to only files that need attention. Kind of tedious to scroll through a few thousand entries to find the few bad apples.
20 de Septiembre de 2024
Easy to set up and re-import of all media files possible.
6 de Septiembre de 2024
This was the issue that I run into: Dry Run works fine, but actuall import just stops working after importing just one file. There’s information to check the error in particular row of the file or in the logs – there’s no information in both places. I wrote a ticket and didn’t get any response for 24h that they even get my request. I wrote on support forum – silence for few hours. But after a while they finally responded to my ticket and I got solution within short period of time and quick exchanges of emails 🙂
14 de Junio de 2024 1 respuesta
I was using this plugin on our website and didn`t notice that it makes the website super slow.I was deactivating all other plugins one by one and was confinced this Plugin could not be responsible for the bad performance.I deactived it no since i didn’t work anymore with the latest wordpress update and found out that the website is now way faster.On the upsite: It worked as promised and synced files uploaded via FTP.To the developper. Please check why your plugin slowes down the websites…
19 de Abril de 2024
It just works as intended.
18 de Abril de 2024
Will sync a picture. But now I get 403 error. The page can not be found. Uninstalling Media sync and reinstalling it again. The same error. No problems before. The problem may have come with the latest wordpress update.
Leer los 78 comentarios

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Historial de cambios


  • Replace loading of external script for purchasing Pro version with simple external link
  • Tested for WordPress 6.7


  • Minor maintenance adjustment to prepare promo banner for upcoming redesign
  • Tested for WordPress 6.6.1


  • Fix DOM IDs when scanning directories or files with special non-latin characters
  • Bring back promo banner without remote fetch


  • Decode post_title and guid in attachment data
  • Tested for WordPress 6.5.5


  • Disable fetching promo banner from remote origin in hopes of resolving 404 errors
  • Load plugin only on admin pages
  • Tested for WordPress 6.5.4
  • Get proper error message from wp_insert_attachment function


  • Fix enabling or disabling debugging option
  • Fix various issues with paths on Windows servers
  • Remove “Scan directory” option to simplify plugin maintenance and compatibility with Windows servers
  • Tested for WordPress 6.5.3


  • Fix deprecated warnings with PHP 8.1
  • Increase required versions to WordPress 5.3 and PHP 7.1


  • Add correct plugin version when loading assets and updated readme.txt.


  • Fix detecting files that already in database when “Scan directory” option is used. Issue started in previous version (1.3.2).


  • Fix handling file names with even rarer special characters that might have resulted in duplicate imports.


  • Ignora las versiones .webp optimizadas de las imágenes originales (por ejemplo, .jpg.webp) y las miniaturas retina (por ejemplo, -100×100@2x.jpg) por defecto. Aún es posible personalizarlo con el gancho media_sync_filter_is_scan_object_ignored.


  • Nueva opción para establecer un tamaño de lote personalizado. Esto podría ayudar con los errores debidos a los límites del servidor (por ejemplo, max_execution_time).


  • Fix selecting multiple files without clicking on checkbox (e.g. shift-select).
  • Minor code cleanup.
  • Actualiza la versión de WordPress compatible a la 6.2.


  • Create a custom _msc record in wp_postmeta table to be able to differentiate files imported using this plugin. Could be useful to clean up the database later on.


  • Extend plugin access to “Editor” and “Author” roles.


  • If debugging is turned on, AJAX requests for import are now html which is rendered directly in UI.


  • New filter hook (media_sync_filter_before_update_metadata) which can be used to customize how metadata is updated or to run additional actions after file import.


  • Handle files with quotes (apostrophes) or other special characters in the file name.
  • Continue importing other selected files if there was an error with some of the files.
  • Show errors in UI instead of alert.


  • Better error handling and fallback when finding mime type


  • Fix meta data errors caused by invalid mime types


  • Much better error handling while importing


  • Optimized directory scanning to use less memory
  • New option to turn on debugging for this plugin
  • Changed parameters passed to media_sync_filter_is_scan_object_ignored hook function
  • Now requires PHP 5.5


  • Fix handling big (“-scaled.jpg”) images introduced in WordPress 5.3. These files will now be skipped and won’t be imported multiple times.
  • Add handy “Re-scan” button.


  • Fix issues when importing files containing special characters


  • Slight improvements with error handling in JavaScript


  • Always convert backslashes (\) to forward slashes (/) to fix various issues when using Windows Server.


  • Important backslash (\) vs forward slash (/) fix for use on Windows Server.


  • New option to set “Scan directory” in settings which will allow checking only certain sub directory.
  • New hook function media_sync_filter_is_scan_object_ignored which can be used to overwrite which files are ignored by default or to just skip additional files.


  • Fix Smart File Time on Windows server


  • Reduce the maximum number of items to import per batch from 20 to 10.
    So batch sizes are now: 1 (importing 1 to 10 items); 5 (importing 11 to 100 items) or 10 (importing more than 100 items)


  • [IMPORTANT] Date of imported Media Library items now defaults to the current date.
    But there are options to choose before importing and also a possibility to overwrite that using the custom hook.
  • New options page with the option to disable and hide “Dry Run”.
  • Fix Media Library filter that was showing all items when the filter didn’t find any result.


  • Reduce the number of items to import per batch


  • Support multisite network by changing required access capability from update_plugins to import


  • Another fix for get_current_screen error


  • Fix get_current_screen error


  • New option to clean up Media Library from items that are missing actual files (using custom Media Library filter)
  • New filter when scanning uploads directory which can help to show only files missing from Media Library


  • Fix PHP short array syntax
  • Update required PHP version to 5.4


  • Date of imported Media Library item is now set based on file modification timestamp


  • Add plugin localization
  • Add Serbian translation


  • Various improvements and fixes


  • Fix sorting of directories and files
  • Minor wording changes and code cleanup


  • Fix error on activation


  • Initial plugin features